WASHINGTON, D.C. — Patrick MacLeamy, FAIA, has been elected national chairman of the Construction Industry Round Table for a term of one year.
Also named as officers of the Construction Industry Round Table were: Steven T. Halverson, president and CEO of The Haskell Co. as vice chairman and Joseph M. Cibor, president of Fugro Consultants, Inc. as treasurer. Robert E. Alger, CEO and president of The Lane Construction Corp., will continue on the Executive Committee as immediate past chairman.
MacLeamy is chairman and CEO of HOK, an architectural design firm. A pioneer in leveraging technology and collaboration to improve design quality and efficiencies, MacLeamy has helped to inspire profound changes ensuring the design and construction industry is making significant contributions to the 21st-century built environment and the quality of life.
“It is a tremendous honor to collaborate with my colleagues from the world’s leading design and construction firms to help change the way we think and work,” said MacLeamy. “We all need to work together as partners and leverage new project delivery methods to deliver better, more cost-effective buildings that provide greater value for our clients.”
As a Founder and Chairman of buildingSMARTâ„¢ International, MacLeamy is a long-time advocate for the development of open, non-proprietary standards for data exchange in the building industry. By advancing buildingSMARTâ„¢ initiatives within HOK, he has positioned the firm to accelerate the building community’s adoption of a seamless exchange of accurate, useful information among all team members throughout the life cycle of a facility.
“Mr. MacLeamy’s selection as chairman this year continues CIRT’s long tradition of balancing the diverse disciplines and interests that compose the design/construction community. His unique insights and perspectives as an architect will be of great value as we move forward to meet the business challenges in the coming year,” noted Mark Casso, president of CIRT. MacLeamy has served in many key capacities within CIRT, including vice chairman and treasurer.