An official EMCOR Pink Hard Hat plaque was presented to Dr. Anees Chagpar, M.D., director of the Breast Center at Smilow Cancer Hospital, by Tucker Mechanical President & CEO Bob Turner as part of a special ceremony, which also included an inspirational story from a breast cancer survivor. As part of the event, all EMCOR Tucker Mechanical employees, and general contractors and sub-contractors with which Tucker Mechanical works and who participated in the event, removed their regular hard hats and replaced them with Pink Hard Hats.
“We"re delighted to participate in EMCOR's fifth consecutive year of this national initiative,” stated Bob Turner. “Most of our employees wear hard hats daily for personal protection, and we"re proud of their commitment to wear an EMCOR Tucker Pink Hard Hat throughout October to raise awareness for breast cancer and the importance of early detection.”
Dr. Chagpar commented, “Yale Cancer Center is pleased to team up with EMCOR and the "Protect Yourself." Campaign in this very memorable and visual way to increase awareness of breast cancer screening. Breast cancer affects 200,000+ women in the U.S. annually. The importance of screening and early detection cannot be overstated — Tucker Mechanical's efforts to increase awareness through the Pink Hard Hat program are an innovative way to remind women to make an appointment for their annual mammogram.”
EMCOR and its clients will form five human Pink Hard Hat Ribbons across the U.S. this October.
Further, thousands of EMCOR employees coast to coast are wearing Pink Hard Hats and Pink Hard Hat stickers at hundreds of construction sites—-ranging from hospitals, roadways, malls and high tech companies, to universities, military bases and hotels. Additionally, EMCOR's fleet of more than 7,000 service vehicles are carrying the message of “Protect Yourself. Get Screened Today.” to millions of people every day throughout October by displaying EMCOR Pink Hard Hat posters.
Visit EMCOR's Pink Hard Hat site at www.emcorgroup.com/pinkhardhat.