NCACP was designed by industry professionals to help bridge the gap in workforce competence. The program provides assessment of journey-level competence and skills of craft professionals based on industry accepted standards for each craft through written and performance evaluations. CertifiedPlus craft professionals – NCCER's preferred credential – are proven to help contractors attain high levels of productivity with increased cost-effectiveness. NCACP also enables contractors to verify the qualifications of potential employees, track the skills and development of their current workforce and provide upgrade training in specific areas of need.
“NCCER is honored to receive the CURT Workforce Development Award for its NCACP program,” said NCCER President Don Whyte. “The importance of advancing our vision of a skilled craft professional with industry-recognized, portable credentials cannot be overstated, and we are proud to be recognized by CURT for the role our NCACP program has played in achieving that vision.”
NCCER was also a recipient of a 2006 CURT Workforce Development Award for its Build Your Future initiative. BYF targets the next generation of skilled craft professionals and aims to narrow the skills gap by guiding America's youth and displaced workers into opportunities for advanced education and training that lead to long-term rewarding careers in construction.