On Nov. 19, with the start of GREENBUILD 2013, Tommy Linstroth, principal of TSG and Green Badger LLC., will introduce the first version of Green Badger to convention attendees and the world.
Green Badger is the real-time LEED documentation mobile application, which can manage multiple projects at the same time and always has the current project status available. The app provides LEED documentation in the power of the hand, with instant verification capabilities.
V1 (version 1 of Green Badger) is geared towards documenting LEED construction credits to assist general contractors and LEED professionals working on projects seeking LEED certification. The app allows users to create the Erosion Sedimentation Control inspection reports, manage and track the project's construction waste with real-time reporting, track all materials credits (MR3-7), document IAQ management techniques and generate reports for LEED backup, and instantaneously verify VOC contents of thousands of sealants, adhesives and paints simply by scanning the UPC code, right from your smartphone or tablet. Both iOS and Android devices are supported by the Green Badger app.
Green Badger takes out the guessing if a product complies with the requirements of Low Emitting Products credits in the LEED rating system, and eliminates trying to read the fine print or download MSDS sheets hours later after visiting the project site. By scanning the barcode on the product label, the VOC content pops up in seconds — along with MSDS sheets that can be used immediately for the necessary LEED documentation. One of the best features of Green Badger is that the app will be integrated with LEED Online, and users will be able to upload all the information directly to LEED Online, right from the phone for the creation of the necessary documentation.
The Green Badger app reduces the risk of losing LEED points, saves time and protects efforts during LEED documentation.
Tommy Linstroth, lead consultant, author and developer knows firsthand, after documenting over 60 LEED projects, how hard it can be to keep track of LEED points and the documentation. “I also saw numerous projects at risk of losing points because the VOC containing products could not be to verified, or the LEED AP did not know where the project stood with construction waste recycling or sustainable material credits until it was too late,” said Linstroth. “This app was created to solve all of those problems.”
The app will be for sale on Nov. 19 in iTunes and the Android Marketplace and will have complete integration with LEED Online early 2014 in collaboration with the USGBC App Lab.
For more information, contact Tommy Linstroth at tommy@getgreenbadger.com.