SOCIETY HILL, S.C. — Roughly 140 of PPM’s, a subsidiary of EMCOR Group, Inc., construction workers at various jobsites are wearing EMCOR Pink Hard Hats throughout October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, as a “Call to Action” supporting breast cancer screening and awareness during EMCOR’s “Protect Yourself. Get Screened Today.” campaign.
PPM-branded Pink Hard Hats will be seen by thousands of people as its employees work at scores of job locations throughout the state and beyond. PPM employees are joined by thousands of other EMCOR employees coast-to-coast who are also wearing Pink Hard Hats during the month at hundreds of work sites—-ranging from hospitals to roadways, and from malls and high-tech companies to universities.
PPM's service vehicles, in combination with EMCOR's fleet of over 7,000 service vehicles, are displaying Pink Hard Hat posters with the “Protect Yourself. Get Screened Today.” message; they"re reaching millions more people throughout streets coast-to-coast.
“We"re delighted to be participating in EMCOR's sixth consecutive year of conducting this national initiative,” stated Henry Moree, president, PPM. “Our employees wear hard hats on a daily basis for personal protection, and we"re proud of their commitment to wear an EMCOR Pink Hard Hat throughout October to raise awareness for breast cancer and how women and men can help to protect themselves by getting screened.”
As part of its program, EMCOR and its clients are forming giant human Pink Hard Hat Ribbons, EMCOR's “signature” event, in six locations across the U.S. throughout October.
Visit EMCOR's Pink Hard Hat site at http://www.emcorgroup.com/pinkhardhat.