Gilbane Awarded New High School for Osceola School District

ORLANDO, Fla. — School District of Osceola County, Kissimmee, Florida, has awarded Gilbane Building Company the construction management at-risk contract to build a new 2,500- 3,000 student station high school.

The campus, with a heavy emphasis on science, technology, education and math curriculum, and a collaborative learning environment, will include classroom buildings, media center, gymnasium, administration building, auditorium and music suite, and a cafeteria with a possible shared kitchen for a future middle school.

The new high school will be located on an approximately 74-acre site off Boggy Creek Road. Construction of the building will consist of concrete tilt wall panels, steel structure and low slope flat roofs. It is anticipated to open for the August 2018 school year.

Filed under: Projects