KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The Scaffold & Access Industry Association has announced the 2016-18 executive committee. Each of the elected members brings a unique perspective, personality and vision for the association.
The new board was officially inducted at the Presidents Gala Dinner during SAIA Annual Convention & Exposition this past July. The SAIA Board elected the following individuals to a two-year term, beginning Aug. 1, 2016 and expiring July 31, 2018:
Paula Manning, SAIA President, Executive Vice President and part-owner, Century Elevators
Manning has been a member of SAIA since 1998. A 5th generation Texan, Manning has a clear vision for the future of SAIA. Paula previously served as a member of the board of directors, as an SAIA regional vice president and as council chair for the Construction Hoist Council. She was elected to the SAIA executive committee in 2012 and has served as secretary and president-elect. In addition, Paula holds a seat on the ANSI ASC A92 Main Committee for Aerial Work Platforms and is active on the A92.9 and A92.10 sub-committees, and ANSI ASME A10.4 and A10.5 subgroups for Construction and Demolition standards: Personnel Elevators and Material Hoists.
Mike Russell, SAIA Immediate Past President, Director of Market Development, Spider division of SafeWorks
Since 2007, Russell has been a member of the SAIA Leadership team, sitting on the board of directors, as president-elect and later president. As president, Russell’s immediate initiatives for SAIA were to continue the development of SAIA training and membership programs to bring more value to members.
James Holcomb, SAIA President-Elect, President, Crom Equipment Rentals
Holcomb has been involved in SAIA since 2001 and has served in Region 2 as an SAIA board of directors representative since 2002. He has worked for CER for the past 25 years. Located in Florida, CER is an active SAIA Accredited Training Institute and has been an involved member of SAIA since 1985. Holcomb brings with him an immense amount of industry experience and will assume the role of SAIA president in 2018.
Ted Beville (Re-Appointment), SAIA Vice President, Industrial Development Specialist, PERI Formwork Systems, Inc. – Scaffold Division
Beville joined SAIA in 2008 and has over 33 years in the scaffolding industry. He is extremely active in SAIA serving as co-chair for the Construction Hoist Council and as a trainer of the SAIA Accredited Training Institute. Beville is also heavily involved in numerous SAIA councils. He is a graduate of the University of Florida.
Frank Frietsch (Re-Appointment), SAIA Treasurer, Exec. Vice President of Operations, North America, Layher
Since joining SAIA, Frietsch has participated in numerous councils, served on the board of directors as regional director, and later appointed to the executive committee as board appointee, then SAIA treasurer. Before coming to Layher, Frietsch worked in the automotive industry from manufacturing support to technical sales at a Tier 1 supplier.
Colby Hubler (Re-Appointment), SAIA Secretary, Sales Manager, Americas for Power Climber and Power Climber Wind divisions of SafeWorks
Hubler has been involved with the Scaffold & Access Industry Association since 2002, held the position of Platform Council Chair from 2005-2012 and has maintained a seat as a board of director since 2006 serving as both treasurer and secretary. He has also been an active participant in many SAIA standards committees and groups.
Tracy Dutting-Kane, SAIA Presidential Appointee, Senior Engineer, DH Glabe & Associates
Dutting-Kane came to SAIA with a diverse technical expertise in the areas of scaffold, forming and shoring. Her professional experience in the temporary structures industry began in 1996. Since joining SAIA, she has become chair of the Shoring Committee, been key in the development of the SSFI/ANSI Scaffold Testing and Rating regulations as well as Forming and Shoring equipment test regulations. Dutting-Kane is also a Licensed Professional Engineer in thirty states.
Francois Villenueve, SAIA Board Representative, Engineering & Product Development Vice President, Fraco Products Ltd.
Villenueve has been involved with SAIA since 1999. He is the current co-chair of the SAIA Construction Hoist while serving as a board member. Francois serves on numerous SAIA committees and subcommittees and has been a presenter at SAIA Annual Convention & Exposition, sharing his engineering expertise. Francois is a graduate of the École Polytechnique of Montreal, Quebec, and a member of the Quebec engineer professional organisation (Ordre des ingénieur du Québec).
Matt Morgan, SAIA Board Representative, Director of Business Development, Mdm Scaffolding Services, Inc.
Morgan is the youngest appointed member to join the SAIA Executive Committee; however, he has been an active member of SAIA since 1993. Matt is a member of the Plank Committee and Future Leaders Board for American Subcontractors Association. He is energetic and bright and an integral component in SAIA’s initiatives to attract younger talent. Matt entered the scaffolding world working his way up the ranks at Mdm Scaffolding and is working towards second generation ownership to Gene and Carol Morgan who have owned and operated Mdm for almost 25 years.
For complete bios, visit http://saiaonline.org/ExecutiveCommittee.
SAIA membership is split into 11 regions. Following realignment of regions 1,3,7,8,9 and 11, the following directors were elected and will serve terms from Aug. 1, 2016 to July 31, 2019. The number of board member representatives is determined in accordance with SAIA Bylaws. Each region votes for its board of director representation.
Region 1
Alan Kline (Re-Appointment) – Lynn Ladder & Scaffolding Co. Inc.
Kline has been with SAIA since its inception and Lynn Ladder was the first east coast company to join. Kline sits on numerous SAIA boards and committees and is an active SAIA Accredited Training Institute. He has comprehensive knowledge of carpenter type scaffolds and has produced and edited over a dozen access-related videos, books and PowerPoint presentations.
Joe Riccio – Zampell Scaffolding Inc.
Riccio has over 23 years’ experience in the scaffolding industry and has been with SAIA for over 20. He’s worked in various capacities of management, sales, manufacturing, estimating, training and project management.
Region 3
Mike Bredl (Re-Appointment) – Universal Manufacturing Corporation
Bredl has been an SAIA member for over 40 years. He’s served as former region president and, most recently, director of region 3. He brings with him vast knowledge of both the scaffolding world and SAIA.
Barney Hanna (Re-Appointment) – Century Elevators
In his 15 years with SAIA, Hanna has held seats on many councils from Construction Hoist to Mast Climbing. Hanna’s background is in regulations and applications and how things work. He enjoys promoting the industry and keeping others informed of changes and innovations.
Region 7
Dwight Allenbaugh (Re-Appointment) – A-1 Scaffold Mfg. Inc.
Allenbaugh has 40 years of experience in the scaffold industry and has been a part of SAIA for just as long. He has a seat on the board of directors and is chairman of the Plank Committee.
Region 8
David Glabe, P.E. – DH Glabe & Associates – Filled vacant seat that will expire July 31, 2017
Glabe has been an active SAIA member for many years. He holds a seat on the ANSI ASC A11 Main Committee, is a representative of many subcommittees and an SAIA Accredited Training Institute. In addition, he is a frequent SAIA Convention presenter.
Region 9
Harold Gidish (Re-Appointment) – Sky Climber LLC
With 32 years of membership under his belt, there aren’t many who know the history of SAIA as well as Gidish. He served previously as SAIA president and is now Suspended Scaffold chair. Gidish pursued a seat on the board in an effort to further integrate himself and stay involved in SAIA.
Linda McCurdy (Re-Appointment) – SkyLine Scaffold
McCurdy joined the board of directors to contribute her ideas and experience. With 42 years in the scaffold industry, she is more than qualified. She’s held a seat on the Suspended Scaffold Council and as treasurer for the Scaffold & Access Industry Association Education Foundation.
Region 11
James Gordon (Re-Appointment) – Kilmer Platforms
Gordon attributes the majority of his industry experience to the small rental company he started with one employee 23 years ago. He came to SAIA 16 years ago and has since been a representative for ANSI ASC A92 subcommittees and co-chair for Mast Climbing Work Platform Council.
Wendy Larison (Re-Appointment) – Urban Scaffolding Ltd.
Larison joined SAIA 28 years ago and has been active since. She is the Supported Scaffold Council chair and has a seat on the board of directors for the Scaffold & Access Industry Association Education Foundation. Her motive for joining the SAIA board of directors was to be more active in the industry and make positive changes for the future of the scaffold and access industry.
Jorge Larrea – Andamios Atlas SA CV
Larrea has been with SAIA for more than 20 years. As a member of the board of directors, he hopes to share his professional experiences with other countries. Adamios Atlas is a scaffold manufacturer in Mexico that has been on the market for more than 50 years.
Rick McKinlay – Winsafe
McKinlay is nearing his seventh year with SAIA. He is a member of the Scaffold Industry Association of Canada as director and secretary. During his term on the SAIA board of directors, McKinlay hopes to proactively improve the industry and sees his seat on the board as an opportunity to channel his efforts.