Trimble Offers New Field Solutions for Land, Construction Surveying

Trimble’s TSC7 Controller is a new field solution for land and civil construction surveyors. The TSC7, combined with specialized software, defines the next generation of data collection and computing for mobile workers with powerful enhancements to the field based on customer feedback. The TSC7 provides a tablet experience with a physical keyboard and a sunlight readable 7-inch touch screen that supports pinch, tap and slide gestures. Users can interact with the TSC7 intuitively, easily zooming, panning and selecting items on the large touch screen. Front- and rear-facing cameras allow users to video conference their office from the field for on-the-job support, and capture high-definition videos and images that provide valuable context to their data and clients.

Trimble is also releasing two new rover systems for civil engineering and construction applications—the Trimble Siteworks Positioning System for Construction Surveyors and the Trimble Siteworks Positioning System for Supervisors. Both systems feature new Trimble Siteworks software tailored for construction workflows.


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