Hazard Alert: Opioid Deaths in Construction

More than 42,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses in 2016. An analysis of fatal opioid overdoses in Ohio showed that construction workers were seven times more likely than other workers to die this way. This is shocking and sad, and there are steps that those in the occupational safety and health community can take.

While the CPWR agrees workplace injuries should be prevented with programs like its new Best Built Plans, construction workers continue to get hurt on the job and these injuries cause pain. Doctors routinely prescribe opioids for pain. The CDC reports that as many as one out of four patients prescribed opioids for long-term pain becomes addicted. It’s crucial to educate everyone in the industry on the risks of taking prescription opioids for pain.

CPWR has produced a new Hazard Alert card that gives workers the facts about opioid painkillers and steps they can take to protect themselves. Download Opioid Deaths in Construction from the CPWR website, or email CPWR to request hard copies in pocket brochure format. Visit the Resources to Prevent Opioid Deaths in Construction page that CPWR has assembled for more resources on opioids in construction.

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