One of Chicago, Illinois’ oldest transit stations has received a complete makeover via the Chicago Transit Authority, Walsh Construction and a diverse local workforce. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and CTA President Dorval Carter joined community members and project leaders to officially mark the completion of renovations at the Garfield Green Line Station in Chicago’s Washington Park neighborhood.
The $25-million project rehabilitated and reconfigured the station, operation station house and the historic station house, which dates back to the Columbian Exposition of 1892. The station features elevator and escalator improvements, new cladding on the elevator towers, a tactile edge and canopy structure at platform level, two new exit-only stairs from platform to street level, new communications systems, enhanced lighting and signage throughout the station and new landscaping. The station also features mosaic tiling and art work from local artists Nick Cave and Bob Faust.
Walsh worked with 23 disadvantaged business enterprises and collaborated with multiple trade associations, including the Chicago Urban League, Black Contractors United, Hispanic American Construction Industry Association, the Federation of Women Contractors and the CTA to solicit bids from local minority companies.
The Garfield Station project achieved 63 percent minority hiring, far exceeding the 19.6 percent hiring goal. Along with 23 apprentices from six trades, the project also achieved 21 percent neighborhood footprint hiring, compared to the project goal of 7.5 percent.
“Walsh brought me on board to work on the Garfield Station, and this project means something to me,” said Jeffrey Lane, a six-year laborer. “This is a neighborhood that I reside in with my family, a neighborhood that I am currently raising my family in, and every time we ride past or take the Green Line at the Garfield Station, I can brag and say I was a part of this project.”
Photo sources: walshgroup.com.