Recognizing the need to address the shortage of skilled craft professionals in Florida, the Construction Workforce Taskforce partnered with Build Your Future to establish Build Your Future Florida. With a wide range of information to help people interested in pursuing a career in the construction industry, Build Your Future Florida aims to provide a collaboration between construction associations, employers and government to satisfy the increased demand in skilled construction workers by attracting interested applicants.
Build Your Future Florida’s goal is to provide a platform for Florida residents to learn about a career in the construction industry, find necessary training centers, fill the knowledge gap and both qualify for and gain employment in any chosen craft occupations. Thus, it strives to expand the qualified workforce in the construction industry within the state. Build Your Future Florida is a portal that allows anyone interested in construction-related crafts to find a successful path to becoming a craft professional. Find more information at
Workforce shortages in Florida are historically cyclical and follow significant lulls in construction volume over time. As the demand for skilled craft professionals in the state of Florida is expected to increase over the next 10 years, the Construction Workforce Taskforce was established. Created via state funding and coordinated by the Rinker School of Construction Management at the University of Florida, the taskforce maintains strong partnership support from the leading organizations and associations of the construction industry in Florida.
While BYF resources are available for any organization, BYF partners have the ability to customize material with their own branding and information, which can contribute greatly to the success of their individual state campaigns. For more information on partnering with BYF visit