The 7th National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls, postponed from its original May date due to the coronavirus pandemic, has been rescheduled for the week of Sept. 14-18.
The annual Stand-Down is part of the OSHA-NIOSH-CPWR Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction and serves as an opportunity to pause and re-focus on falls — one of the leading causes of death in construction.
This year, we encourage employers and workers to participate virtually or with social-distancing measures on jobsites. In support of the event, CPWR is working with OSHA and NIOSH to develop activities and materials to facilitate safe stand-downs, such as videos and webinars that can be viewed from anywhere, and easy-to-share infographics like the one pictured.
For access to new materials as they become available, as well as relevant resources developed throughout the campaign, visit stopconstructionfalls.com and use the online ordering form for hardhat stickers to recognize participation.