Crane Industry Services, LLC now offers an introductory crane, rigging, safety and operator certification class that meets Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act requirements for financial aid. The program prepares individuals for great career options in power generation, electric, water and gas utilities, communications or commercial building. Individuals in the introductory classes are trained for OSHA-recognized certification and initial qualifications.
In addition to the opportunity to earn crane operator certification, the WIOA-approved program includes training on rigging (connecting) skills, signal person, OSHA 10 safety and an introduction to craft skills. Students will also have opportunities to meet some area employers and learn more about local unions.
The program is designed for those who find themselves either unemployed or underemployed, explained Noel Whelchel, trainer and inspector with CIS. “This program is for those who either don’t have a job or have one but are interested in the great careers available in construction, utilities, ports and other crane and rigging related work.” Some applicants may have relevant experience; others may be “totally green,” said Whelchel. By completing the program, individuals starting at any skill level can make themselves marketable with the certifications achieved through the program.
The course covers OSHA 10, basic safety, construction math, hand tools, power tools, construction drawings, basic communication skills, basic employability, material handling, certified basic rigger and qualified signal person. Throughout the program, students receive mobile crane operator instruction and have opportunities to practice on top-ranked crane simulators.
A federal program, WIOA provides funds for retraining. For more information, visit https://centeredonsafety.com/.