The debut episode of Said Differently – A Barton Malow Podcast, is dedicated to telling the untold stories from the jobsite and the unconventional paths to success.
Now available on www.bartonmalow.com or the platform from which you consume podcasts, Episode 1, “Who You Gonna Call?” tells the story of how the Goat Busters, a team of vegetation-eating goats, helped clear an invasive plant species on Barton Malow’s The Center at Belvedere project in Charlottesville, Virginia.
“Every project we’ve worked on has a great story to tell and many don’t necessarily fit into the normal industry coverage,” says Anna Cangialosi, Barton Malow senior manager of branding + communications.
“Barton Malow has nearly 100 years of experience in the industry, and we’re excited to take you behind the scenes of our projects in a fun and engaging way.”
Listen to the podcast by visiting the Said Differently page at www.bartonmalow.com, or search for it on Spotify, Apple, Amazon Music or your favorite platform.