New Children’s Justice Center Assists Law Enforcement, Provides Survivors Place to Recover

Construction is complete of the new Cache County Children’s Justice Center, located in Logan, Utah. The new facility is nearly five times larger than the previous building and will help child and adult survivors recover and find security in a safe environment. It will also allow law enforcement to work more efficiently. The facility offers interview rooms, a medical wing and observation space. Big-D served as general contractor on the project.

The Malouf Foundation had started making plans for the new facility on its Logan campus. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the project was shifted to a previously owned house in Logan. As planning began two years prior, acquisition of the property was key to keep the project moving forward.

Big-D’s work on the project began in October 2020 and consisted of a complete renovation of the residential home. The unique interior design blueprint required the removal and relocation of the existing interior walls and finishes. Although the project presented various unique challenges, including dry rot in the exterior sheathing behind the stucco, the contractor was able to complete the project on time and to its highest standards.

Additionally, Big-D was able to save the third-of-an-acre garden on the property, which the CJC plans to maintain for the children to enjoy.

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