Hitachi Rolls Out Grade Control Technology Options for Select Excavators

Hitachi Construction & Mining Division, an operating division of John Deere Construction & Forestry Company, has rolled out options for its grade control technology on select excavators, including 2D Grade Control and Solution Linkage 3D Grade Control, which allow an operator to set a grade and hold it. The new factory-integrated technology increases efficiency, while also lowering daily operating costs by enabling operators to spend less time getting the grade right the first time.

With Hitachi’s grade control technology, the machine controls the boom and bucket as the operator handles the arm. This reduces the need for multiple passes to achieve the correct grade. Solution Linkage 3D Grade Control with Global Navigation Satellite System controls position and elevation with respect to a global reference, while the 2D Grade Control manages the elevation of the cutting edge in relation to a benchmark. The 2D Grade Control technology can also be upgraded to 3D Grade Control.

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