Erickson-Hall Completes High School STEM Building

Erickson-Hall Construction Co. joined the Los Alamitos Unified School District for a ribbon-cutting ceremony of Los Alamitos High School’s new $52-million STEM building in Orange County, California. The program featured speakers from the school, district, Board of Education and development team, as well as performances by the student marching band, show choir and jazz ensemble.

The three-story STEM building serves as the new campus gateway. At 55 feet tall and comprising 86,528 square feet, the building is the tallest on campus, offering almost two acres of enclosed learning space. It houses 30 science, math and career technical education classrooms with dedicated staff spaces on each floor to support collaboration.

The ground floor features a college and career center, a media center, a computer lab and a specialized fabrication lab for manufacturing, engineering and robotics. The outdoor courtyards and stadium seating grand staircase will allow flexible learning and performances.

Project partners included architect Westgroup Designs and construction manager Rachlin Partners.

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