Willmeng Construction celebrated the completion of work for Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center on its new Kathryn G. Bosco Campus in Mesa, Arizona. The grand opening event marked a major step for SARRC, which provides valuable, evidence-based programs that support individuals with autism spectrum disorder from childhood to adulthood statewide, ensuring that impactful services are accessible to every resident of Arizona.
For the Kathryn G. Bosco Campus, Willmeng worked with the design team to refresh an aging, 14,497-square-foot building and completely reconfigure the space to accommodate SARRC’s unique needs. The updated campus will consist of four preschool classrooms and one flexible classroom for teens and young adults. In addition, the space is supplemented by a series of administrative, meeting, multipurpose room, restrooms and support spaces.
The exterior enhancements to the courtyard include a shaded playground, turf and seating areas. The team also resealed and restriped the existing 100-space parking lot and re-lamped the original light poles. Careful consideration was made to maximize the construction budget and ensure that everything positively impacts the teaching, learning and activity spaces for the students and staff.