Gilbane Employees and Partners Worldwide Focus on Incident and Injury-Free Workplaces During Safety Week

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Beginning Oct. 7, Gilbane Building Company employees around the globe are focusing their attention on job site safety and their commitment to maintaining Incident and Injury-Free workplaces, all as part of the company's worldwide Safety Week.
“Earlier this year, one of our project sites recorded 7 million hours without a lost time injury, a staggering achievement in our industry. This is the standard we aim for on every job site, whether it's a tenant improvement project on a single floor of an office complex or the construction of a new hospital, school, courthouse or data center,” said Tony O"Dea, Gilbane vice president and director of corporate safety. “Safety Week is an opportunity for our employees, subcontractors, partners and clients to celebrate their progress toward an IFF workplace and reinforce their commitment to make safety the priority every day, both on the job and at home.”
Safety is a fundamental philosophy at the company, embodied in the “Gilbane Cares” program. This program encompasses Gilbane's comprehensive safety program, companywide employee involvement and education, and a commitment at the highest levels of management to the development and implementation of safety programs that are employed on every job site.
Among the activities taking place during the course of Safety Week 2013 are site safety visits at job sites around the country by all of Gilbane's executive vice presidents, CPR and first aid training on job sites and in offices, safety poster contests for community children and the recognition of excellence in safety by subcontractors and trade professionals.

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