Construction Fatality Rate at Lowest Level in 18 Years

The U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Aug. 19 reported that construction fatalities in 2009 fell 16 percent to 816, making it the lowest fatality rate in 18 years, according to preliminary numbers.   The final report will be released in April 2011.  

“The BLS census of fatal occupational injuries once again reinforces how the construction industry continues to build upon and refine site safety practices to prevent injuries to our greatest assets — our employees,” said Chris Williams, Associated Builder and Contractor’s director of safety. “The continued, long-term reduction in construction industry fatalities is proof that the industry commitment to proactive safety training and hazard identification is still the most effective method to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses.”  

To support safety awareness on the jobsite, ABC offers the Safety Training and Evaluation Process (STEP) program to its members, which allows member contractors to regularly evaluate and strengthen their programs, yielding safety performance that is consistently better than the industry average.   When compared with national construction average, ABC members that participate in STEP have fatality rates that are 58 percent lower, OSHA injury rates that are 30 percent lower, and 90 percent fewer OSHA citations.  

ABC also offers its members safety classes through its chapters and annual Construction Education Conference, a meeting for construction craft professionals and managers, with the purpose of providing a safe and healthy workplace. Topics include fall protection safety, steel erection safety, electrical safety, scaffolding safety, trenching and excavation safety, OSHA's 10-hour and 30-hour construction outreach, and a 100-hour Construction Site Safety Technician program. Construction safety documents are also available to members for use as a template on which to build their own custom workplace safety programs, policies and procedures.  

“The construction industry continues to work towards our ultimate goal of sending every employee home safely every night,” Williams said. “Both employers and employees will continue to partner to develop new practices and procedures that will continue our march toward that goal.”

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