Build Your Future Campaign Launches Craft Labor Map

As part of its efforts to narrow the skills gap in the construction industry, the Build Your Future campaign recently launched an interactive Craft Labor Map. The goal of this new resource is to provide industry recruits and craft professionals with a forecast of the labor demand in industrial and commercial construction.

Using data voluntarily provided by owners, contractors and unions by the Construction Labor Market Analyzer, BYF’s Craft Labor Map provides users a craft-by-craft breakdown of the expected demand for craft professionals in each state for the next three years. This data is updated quarterly to ensure that the most accurate and reliable data is available.

Build Your Future is a NCCER program that is being enhanced to support the Choose Construction Initiative, which is a collaborative grassroots approach to construction workforce forecasting and development. It will include recruitment, training, placement, retention and image enhancement strategies. CCI is supported by NCCER, The Construction Workforce Development Center, ABC, AGC and the Construction Users Round Table.

The map can be viewed at

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