The construction industry gained 48,000 jobs in January, according to the Feb. 7 employment report by the U.S. Department of Labor. Nonresidential construction gained 21,000 jobs, representing a significant rebound from the 14,100 jobs lost by the segment in December. Nonresidential construction accounted for 47.7 percent of January’s total construction industry job gain and 28.1 percent of the construction industry job gain in the past year. The national construction unemployment rate expanded to 12.3 percent on a non-seasonally adjusted basis in January, compared with 11.4 percent in December. This was due to a combination of seasonal factors and may be … Read more
Despite Severe Weather Construction Industry Adds Jobs in January, Unemployment Rate Declines
Construction employment jumped by the largest monthly amount in nearly seven years in January, bringing industry employment to the highest level since July 2009, according to an analysis of new government data by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials noted that, at the current rate of growth, it would not take long before many firms begin having difficulty finding enough skilled workers to meet demand. “Despite a second month of unusually severe weather in much of the nation, contractors more than offset the job losses that occurred in December,” said Ken Simonson, the association’s chief economist. “All segments … Read more
Construction Figures Rise in December, Overall for 2013
Total construction spending edged up 0.1 percent in December and rose by a modest 4.8 percent for all of 2013, as a robust market for apartments and single-family houses outweighed downturns in private nonresidential and public projects, according to an analysis of new Census Bureau data by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials added that swift congressional action on vital highway and water infrastructure measures would give a needed boost to public-sector demand. “Residential construction ended on a strong note in 2013 and should remain positive for at least the next several months,” said Ken Simonson, the … Read more
Nonresidential Building Activity Projected to Accelerate in 2014
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Healthy fundamentals in the commercial property market combined with the international economy returning to more traditional growth levels are factoring into a projected increase in growth for the design and construction industry. Led by the hotel and retail project categories, the commercial sector looks to see the biggest gains in construction spending, with demand for institutional projects increasing at a more moderate level. The American Institute of Architects" semi-annual Consensus Construction Forecast, a survey of the nation's leading construction forecasters, is projecting that spending will see a 5.8 percent increase in 2014, with next year's … Read more
Construction Employment Update According to AGC
Construction firms added jobs in 34 states over the past 12 months, but construction employment declined in 32 states and the District of Columbia between November and December as many parts of the country coped with weather, according to an analysis released today by the Associated General Contractors of America of Labor Department data. Association officials noted that while cold, wintry weather in parts of the country likely contributed to many of the declines, they urged Washington officials to take steps to ensure continued growth for the industry and the economy. “While the year-over-year numbers are encouraging, we want to … Read more