Material Prices Jump 0.9% in December While Bids Stay Flay

Latest Producer Price Index Figures Show Double-Digit Hikes in 2010 for Copper, Steel, Aluminum, Diesel, Even As Prices Contractors Charge for Finished Structures Remain Flat Construction firms are facing increasing pressure in December as nearly every material used by contractors rose in price, while bid prices for new buildings remained flat, according to an analysis of December producer price index figures released today by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials warned that the price squeeze on contractors is likely to intensify in 2011 as global demand for construction materials grows and domestic demand for construction services remains weak. … Read more

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Carolinas AGC Construction Barometer Improves a Degree

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — While the Carolinas AGC Construction Barometerâ„¢ notched up 1% for third quarter 2010, continuing its upward movement for the third consecutive quarter, there’s still simply no clear trend out of the recession. Values that strengthened a bit in second quarter deteriorated somewhat in third quarter, while variables that fell in second quarter strengthened modestly in the third. Contractors do appear to be growing cautiously more optimistic about 2011, reporting they expect stable-to-modestly improving business conditions over the coming year. Quarter three’s construction labor market showed a bit stronger demand for skilled labor and a small increase in … Read more

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Growing Number of Metro Areas – 120 Out Of 337 – Added Construction Jobs between November 2009 & 2010

Phoenix, Ariz. and Hanford-Corcoran, Calif. Top List of Metro Areas Adding Jobs while Chicago and Napa, Calif. Lose Most Jobs for the Year Construction employment either increased or remained steady in a growing number of metropolitan areas — 120 of 337 — between November 2009 and November 2010 according to a new analysis of federal employment data released today by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials said construction employment is improving slightly thanks in large part to temporary federal funding for stimulus and military construction. “It is good to see the construction industry finishing the year on a … Read more

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Architecture Billings Index Reaches Highest Score Since 2007

Business conditions continue to vary by sector and region Washington, D.C. — After stepping back in October reversing into the negative territory, the Architecture Billings Index (ABI) rose more than three points in November to reach its highest mark since December 2007.   As a leading economic indicator of construction activity, the ABI reflects the approximate nine to twelve month lag time between architecture billings and construction spending.   The American Institute of Architects (AIA) reported the November ABI score was 52.0, up from a reading of 48.7 the previous month.   This score reflects an increase in demand for … Read more

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Construction Employment Rises In 20 States but Gains Remain ‘Spotty and Tenuous’

13 States Plus D.C. Add Jobs Year-To-Year; California Has the Largest Number of Monthly Gains and Yearly Losses in Construction Jobs; Texas and Oklahoma Have Biggest 12-Month Gains While Nevada Has Steepest Percentage Losses Construction employment expanded in 20 states between October and November, while the list of states with year-over-year construction job gains grew to 13 states plus the District of Columbia, the Associated General Contractors of America reported in an analysis of state employment data released today by the Labor Department. The new figures continue a year-long pattern of mixed results in construction employment as overall demand remains … Read more

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