Construction Job Gains Become More Widespread, Losses Less Severe as Six States Add Jobs Between July 2009 & 2010; 27 States Add Jobs in the Past Month

Kansas Tops Yearly and Vermont & New York Top Monthly Gainers; California and Nevada Experience Most Job Losses During Past Year While Illinois Experiences Largest Monthly Percent Decline Construction job gains were more widespread across the country and job losses were generally less severe in July than in June, the Associated General Contractors of America reported in an analysis of state employment data released today by the Labor Department. Twenty—six states added construction jobs in July, compared to 19 in June, while six states added construction jobs over the past year and most others are losing far fewer jobs than … Read more

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Stimulus Helps Construction Spending Post Small Gain In June But Pain Continues For Other Contractors, Association Says

Total construction spending eked out a small rise in June as gains in stimulus-aided public categories offset decreases in homebuilding and private nonresidential spending, the Associated General Contractors of America said today in an analysis of new Census Bureau data. “Stimulus dollars are supporting construction jobs, but the pain is continuing for most contractors and their workers who depend on private projects or school construction,” said Ken Simonson, the association's chief economist. Simonson noted that total construction spending inched up 0.1 percent in June at a seasonally adjusted annual rate, buoyed by a 1.5 percent increase in public construction, which … Read more

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Construction Employment Shows Signs Of “Stabilizing”

Six States Add Jobs Between June 2009 & 2010; 22 States Add Jobs During The Past Month; Kansas Tops Yearly and Kentucky Tops Monthly Gainers; Nevada and California Experience Most Jobs Losses During Past Year While Wyoming Experiences Largest Monthly Percent Decline Construction employment edged closer to stabilizing in June, as half the states either added construction jobs or kept the same number as in May, the Associated General Contractors reported in an analysis of federal employment data released today. Compared to June 2009, construction employment rose in six states, the largest number of states to post year-over-year increases since … Read more

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AIA Releases Consensus Construction Forecast; Nonresidential Construction Recovery Possible by Latter Part of 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Even with modest improvements in the overall U.S. economy, nonresidential construction spending is expected to decrease by more than 20 percent in 2010 with a marginal increase of 3.1 percent in 2011 in inflation adjusted terms. Poor conditions remain because of an oversupply of nonresidential facilities in most construction categories, weak demand for space, continuing declines in commercial property values, and a strong reluctance to provide credit from real estate lenders. These are highlights from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) semi-annual Consensus Construction Forecast, a survey of the nation's leading construction forecasters. “There are a number … Read more

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AGC Releases Latest Construction Employment Numbers

Most Jobs Added in Columbus, Ohio While Eau Claire, Wisconsin Has Highest Rate of Job Growth; Chico, California Has Highest Rate of Decline and Chicago Loses Most Jobs Construction employment continued to suffer significant declines in the majority of metropolitan areas according to an analysis of federal employment data released by the Associated General Contractors of America. The figures reflect continued weak private, state and local demand as well as a lack of long—term projects caused by stalled federal infrastructure bills, association officials noted. “With current demand soft and chances of a turnaround months away, construction firms are unwilling to … Read more

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