Concrete Industry Management Program Shatters Previous Records by Raising $2.1M at 2023 Auction

The National Steering Committee for the Concrete Industry Management program – a business intensive program that awards students with a four-year Bachelor of Science degree in Concrete Industry Management – has raised more than $2.1 million in gross revenue at its annual auction, held in conjunction with the World of Concrete on Jan. 18. In addition to the live auction, a silent auction was also held. This year CIM had record proceeds from the silent auction. Live and silent auction items included cement, fly ash, aggregate, concrete saws, drills, safety equipment, training sessions, reference books and software subscriptions, laptop computers, … Read more

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National Ladder Safety Month: The Perfect Time to ‘Step Up’ Employee Training

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, ladder deaths accounted for 161 on-the-job fatalities in 2020, the most recent year for which statistics are available. That same year, there were 22,710 ladder-related workplace injuries, an injury stat that has remained relatively constant over the previous several years. March is National Ladder Safety Month, spearheaded by the American Ladder Institute. This, its seventh year, will focus on four key themes: Week One – Choosing Your Ladder Week Two – Safety Before the First Step (Inspection and Set Up) Week Three – Safety While Climbing Week Four – Safety at the … Read more

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American Concrete Pavement Association Announces White Paper to Support Sustainability

The American Concrete Pavement Association has released the white paper, “Concrete Pavement’s Role in a Sustainable, Resilient Future,” which synthesizes research on concrete pavement’s contributions to economic, environmental and social sustainability. The report summarizes concrete pavement’s role in sustainability, including: The long lifespan of concrete pavement, which provides the greatest economic value over the long term for taxpayers and end users. Concrete can last 30 years or more before requiring a maintenance cycle. Research supporting concrete pavement’s many use-phase environmental and societal benefits, including improved fuel efficiency, high albedo (which improves the earth’s energy balance and urban heat island effect, … Read more

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Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association Requests Comments to Upcoming Standard Revision

The Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association requests a “Call for Members” for its BSR/PGMA G300-201x, Safety and Performance of Portable Generators (revision of ANSI/PGMA G300-2018) Standard, which is under revision. The proposed revisions include adding additional requirements related to carbon monoxide safety concerns. Members will have an opportunity to vote, as well as provide comments to the proposed revisions to the ANSI/PGMA G300 standard. PGMA is specifically seeking members in the user category, which is defined as: “Those who are predominantly interested in the use of the product, materials, or services. This category usually includes consumers, customers of product producers, distributors, … Read more

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68% of Skilled Trade Workers Feel a Desire to Work with Innovative, Non-traditional Tools, NFPA Survey Finds

The National Fire Protection Association released its 2023 Industry Trends Survey, which reveals insights around employee sentiment on training and labor shortages, use of technology on the jobsite and how technology supports their top priorities. Nearly half of respondents (45%) said a shortage of qualified workers would be their biggest challenge at work in 2023. Additionally, 42% said they anticipate their budgets will focus on increased hiring to replace or add jobs in 2023. Closely following concerns around a hiring shortage, 42% of respondents cited lack of knowledge sharing and collaboration as their top challenge, while 32% said codes and … Read more

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