The new issue of CPWR’s Data Bulletin provides updated employment and health information on construction workers and risk estimates in the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings show that nearly 60% of the construction labor force has at least one factor (old age, underlying medical conditions, smoking, e-cigarette use or severe obesity) for potentially higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19, similar to the working population in general. Also, not only are the bulletin’s charts available for download (in PowerPoint) from the CPWR website, but for the first time, the data (in Excel) used to create the charts are included. View the entire … Read more
CPWR, NABTU Release New COVID-19 Resources
As part of the commitment to helping the construction industry take necessary precautions during the coronavirus pandemic, CPWR and NABTU have released the COVID-19 Standards for U.S. Construction Sites. They are an evolution of the guidance CPWR has been updating since early March and identifies what steps should be taken to reduce construction worker exposure to the virus on the job. The hierarchy of controls, a basic principle of occupational safety and health, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, are the foundations upon which this new document is based. The virus is a hazard on the job, and … Read more
Kenzen Launches Smart PPE Patch for Worker Safety
Kenzen has launched a real-time worker heat-monitoring system. The cloud-based software as a service system includes a wearable device worn by workers on their arm, which alerts both the worker and their supervisor when core body temperature is too high. Real-time alerts allow for immediate intervention from heat injuries. The wearable monitors multiple physiological and environmental metrics, including heart rate, activity, skin and ambient temperatures. Together, this sensor data allows for the real-time prediction of core body temperature, providing alerts when temperatures approach unsafe levels. Data captured by the system can be used to help companies identify heat risk and … Read more
Tech Tip for Disinfecting Aerial Devices, Digger Derricks
The need for frequent and thorough disinfecting of work trucks like aerial devices and digger derricks is a new task for service managers. In response to questions from customers, Terex Utilities has released Tech Tip #140 to provide a reminder of the many surfaces on a piece of equipment that may have been touched by crew members. “It’s a good idea to clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces at the beginning and end of each shift or crew change. Terex Utilities recommends using disinfectant wipes and following CDC guidelines for developing and implementing a cleaning plan,” said Jason Julius, technical … Read more
Faith Technologies Named Nation’s Safest Construction Company in 2019 by National Contractors Group
Associated General Contractors of America recently honored Faith Technologies, Menasha, Wisconsin, for having the nation’s best construction safety and wellness plan in 2019. The association, which oversees the Willis Towers Watson Construction Safety Excellence Awards, an annual ranking of construction safety programs, noted that 56 other companies were also selected as winners for the quality of their safety programs. “Now more than ever, there’s no more fundamental responsibility for a construction firm than to ensure the health and safety of its workers,” said Dirk Elsperman, the association’s president and executive vice president and chief operations officer of Tarlton Corporation in St. Louis, Missouri. … Read more