Last month, Construction Superintendent featured best practices—compiled by The Builder’s Association—to help protect the safety and well-being of the industry, including your crews, trade partners, clients and the general public. While countries all over the world continue to enact and update policies and procedures to slow the spread of the coronavirus disease, as essential workers, contractors remain on the frontlines each day. And for this issue, Construction Superintendent asked general contractors how they’re dealing with the COVID-19 climate in light of what is presently known about the disease. The response was overwhelming. Here’s what respondents had to say: Kraus-Anderson Shifting … Read more
Updated Coronavirus Guidance Available for Construction Workers, Employers
CPWR continues to expand the resources it offers to help construction employers take necessary precautions to keep workers safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Its COVID-19 page includes an updated version of the CPWR/NABTU guidance, available in English and Spanish; links to the latest information from key agencies like the CDC, NIEHS, NIOSH and OSHA and resources from industry partners like the Laborers’ Safety & Health Fund of North America and Milwaukee Tools. CPWR encourages readers to email them with relevant information, including materials on COVID-19 they have developed, and examples of how the industry has been supporting the nationwide response, such as making … Read more
Construction Firms Plan Nationwide Coronavirus Safety Stand Down April 9
On Thursday, April 9, hundreds of construction firms across the country will stop work and hold coronavirus-focused safety stand downs as part of a nationwide safety campaign organized by the Associated General Contractors of America. During the stand downs, crews will stop work, break into small, socially distanced groups and reinforce the new safety procedures and practices that all construction workers must follow to protect themselves and the public from the spread of the coronavirus. The primary objective of the safety stand downs is to protect workers and the public amid the COVID-19 outbreak. However, several of the participating firms … Read more
Autodesk, AGC Equip Women in Construction with Right-Fitting Safety Harnesses
Autodesk Construction Solutions and the Associated General Contractors of America are awarding grants to 21 construction firms to provide more than 300 fall protection safety harnesses designed for women. The grants are designed to address one of the most significant safety hazards for construction craft professionals and recruit more women into high-paying construction careers. “We recognize the need for more women to join the construction industry to help fill the labor gap, and keeping them as safe as possible must be top priority,” said Allison Scott, director at Autodesk Construction Solutions. “For 300 women in construction, AGC and Autodesk are … Read more
OSHA Issues Guidance for Respiratory Protection during COVID-19 N95 Shortage
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued interim enforcement guidance to help combat supply shortages of disposable N95 filtering face piece respirators. The action marks the department’s latest step to ensure the availability of respirators and follows President Trump’s Memorandum on Making General Use Respirators Available. Due to the impact on workplace conditions caused by limited supplies of N95 FFRs, employers should reassess their engineering controls, work practices and administrative controls to identify any changes they can make to decrease the need for N95 respirators. If respiratory protection must be used, employers may consider use … Read more