Construction employment declined in 99 out of 358 metro areas from March 2019 to last month as the coronavirus pandemic triggered the first shutdown orders and project cancellations, according to an analysis released by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials urged federal and state officials to boost investments in infrastructure to help put more people to work amid rising unemployment levels. “These new figures foreshadow even larger declines in construction employment throughout the country as the pandemic’s economic damage grows more severe,” said Ken Simonson, the association’s chief economist. “Unfortunately, the data for April and later months … Read more
New Monthly Job Loss Data Foreshadows More Layoffs Amid Project Cancellations, State Cutbacks, Reports AGC
Construction employment declined in 20 states and D.C. in March, aligning with the results of a recent survey by the Associated General Contractors of America that found growing layoffs amid new project cancellations and state funding constraints. Association officials warned that these cancellations mean massive job losses are likely to occur soon in even more states unless Congress helps cover rapidly declining state revenues, adds funding for Paycheck Protection Program loans and takes other measures to help the industry recover. “While construction employment declined in many parts of the country last month, far more states, local governments and project owners … Read more
New Dodge Study Shows Contractors Concerned about Longer-Term Impacts of COVID-19 Crisis
In order to better understand the degree of impact and biggest concerns that the construction industry has about the COVID-19 crisis, Dodge Data & Analytics conducted a survey of 172 contractors across the U.S. from March 19 to March 31. The results of that study, published in the Keeping Business Going in a Time of Crisis: Findings from the Dodge Contractor Panel Study on Contractors’ State of Business During the COVID-19 Outbreak white paper, reveals that most contractors are feeling at least some impact from the crisis, with the worst impact expected to be felt within the next three months. … Read more
COVID-19 Response (Part 2): How Companies are Adapting to Current Climate
Last month, Construction Superintendent featured best practices—compiled by The Builder’s Association—to help protect the safety and well-being of the industry, including your crews, trade partners, clients and the general public. While countries all over the world continue to enact and update policies and procedures to slow the spread of the coronavirus disease, as essential workers, contractors remain on the frontlines each day. And for this issue, Construction Superintendent asked general contractors how they’re dealing with the COVID-19 climate in light of what is presently known about the disease. The response was overwhelming. Here’s what respondents had to say: Kraus-Anderson Shifting … Read more
Updated Coronavirus Guidance Available for Construction Workers, Employers
CPWR continues to expand the resources it offers to help construction employers take necessary precautions to keep workers safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Its COVID-19 page includes an updated version of the CPWR/NABTU guidance, available in English and Spanish; links to the latest information from key agencies like the CDC, NIEHS, NIOSH and OSHA and resources from industry partners like the Laborers’ Safety & Health Fund of North America and Milwaukee Tools. CPWR encourages readers to email them with relevant information, including materials on COVID-19 they have developed, and examples of how the industry has been supporting the nationwide response, such as making … Read more