Hitachi Releases Versatile New EX1200-7 Excavator

Hitachi has released the EX1200-7 excavator, which will provide increased efficiency, reliability and durability for customers. The EX1200-7 improves total fuel economy by 6% as compared to the previous model (the EX1200-6) through engine and hydraulic system improvements. The EX1200-7 features a fuel-efficient Cummins EPA Final Tier 4 engine with DEF. For non-regulated countries, a Cummins engine featuring fuel-calibration optimization settings helps contribute to improved efficiency. Additionally, when the machine is in neutral, auto-idle reduces engine speed to save on fuel consumption. The new EX1200-7 also features a 4.5% increase in bucket capacity with a 7 m3 (9.2 cu/yd) capacity. … Read more

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