OSHA Will Enforce Beryllium Standard Starting in May

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Occupational Safety and Health Administration will start enforcement of the final rule on occupational exposure to beryllium in general, construction and shipyard industries on May 11. This timeframe will ensure that stakeholders are aware of their obligations, and that OSHA provides consistent instructions to its inspectors. The start of enforcement had previously been set for March 12. In January 2017, OSHA issued new comprehensive health standards addressing exposure to beryllium in all industries. In response to feedback from stakeholders, the agency is considering technical updates to the January 2017 general industry standard, which will clarify and … Read more

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U.S. Department of Labor and Southern Illinois Joint Apprenticeship

FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, Ill. – The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Southern Illinois Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship Program have signed an alliance to provide members of the St. Louis – Kansas City Carpenters Regional Council with training and resources to prevent common construction injuries. The two-year alliance will focus on preventing exposures to electrical, fall, struck-by, caught-in-between, fire, explosion, lockout/tagout and confined spaces hazards at all CRC signatory jobsites throughout southern Illinois. Participants will also share information on OSHA campaigns, including the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction and the Safe + Sound Campaign … Read more

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NAHB Launches New Campaign to Raise Safety Awareness Among Home Builders, Remodelers

The National Association of Home Builders launched Safety 365, a new member and public awareness campaign designed to ensure that building industry professionals have the information and resources to help keep construction workers safe and help minimize accidents, injuries and deaths. The initiative is designed to make construction safety a priority, every day, 365 days a year. “Our members realize the importance of jobsite safety because we know that our employees have families to return home to. We want to keep these workers safe from accidents and injuries,” said NAHB Chairman Randy Noel, a home builder and developer from La … Read more

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The Right Safety Measures Can Keep Old Man Winter at Bay

Protecting your jobsite, workers during inclement weather By Thomas Donahue Ask any superintendent what their main priority is and they’ll tell you it’s jobsite safety. It’s already a hard job to make sure everyone is working safely but, as the seasons change, the job gets even more difficult thanks to winter weather. Snow and ice seem to complicate construction and can sometimes even slow it down to a standstill. And, so far, this winter season looks like it may be one for the books. 2018 is shaping up to be a big year for bad winter weather. We kicked off … Read more

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OSHA, NAWIC Renew Alliance to Protect Safety and Health of Female Construction Workers

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Association of Women in Construction recently renewed their alliance to continue promoting safe and healthful working conditions for female construction workers. The five-year alliance will focus on hazards of particular concern to women in the construction industry, including personal protective equipment selection, sanitation and workplace intimidation and violence. “Women represent a small, but growing segment of the construction workforce,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Loren Sweatt. “OSHA’s renewed alliance with NAWIC will continue to promote innovative solutions to safety and health hazards unique to female … Read more

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