AECOM is “Getting to the heart of safety” in its Third-Annual Safety Report

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – AECOM has published its third-annual enterprise safety, health and environment report. Titled “Getting to the heart of safety,” the report showcases the dedicated employees, innovative tools and notable projects that encompass AECOM’s industry-leading “Safety for Life” program. The report’s theme reflects the company’s culture of caring by highlighting employees’ heroic efforts, thought leadership and personal motivations for keeping safety at the forefront.

Some of AECOM’s fiscal year 2015 highlights include:

  • AECOM achieved a Total recordable injury rate 7.5 percent lower than the target
  • AECOM Chairman and CEO Michael S. Burke was named to the U.S. National Safety Council’s 2015 list of “CEOs Who ‘Get It,’” which recognizes leaders who demonstrate a personal commitment to employee safety and health.
  • Since 2010, AECOM’s lost workday case rate has reduced by an average of 11 percent* year over year.
  • AECOM was selected as a Charter Member of the Campbell Institute following a thorough review of its approach to, and superior performance in, SH&E management.

*To account for AECOM’s integration with legacy URS, this percentage is the average improvement from 2010 to 2015. The 2010 to 2014 data reflects legacy AECOM operations; 2015 data reflects the combined company’s operations.

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