The Boldt Company was recently awarded two 2019 BUILD Wisconsin awards from the Associated General Contractors of Wisconsin. The following entries were judged on sustainable practices, craftsmanship, innovation in construction and meeting difficult challenges.

Aurora Medical Center – Bay Area | Marinette, Wisconsin
Environmental Excellence Award
The 335,000-square-foot hospital, medical office building and cancer center, located on a 92-acre greenfield, site was honored for its Integrated Lean Project Delivery approach in partnership with the owner and the architect, CannonDesign. The project was delivered on time and under budget. More than $16 million was spent locally, and more than 3.2 million pounds of material were recycled.
Carthage College Tower Residence Hall | Kenosha, Wisconsin
Commercial Projects, New Construction Award

The nine-story, 50,000-square-foot residence hall features suite-style housing for up to 126 students, two floors dedicated to shared common spaces and an outdoor terrace with patio seating, grass courtyards and sand volleyball court. Unique craftsmanship includes exposed concrete surfaces and a custom wood slat ceiling and wall. The project team ensured the protection of the active campus community throughout construction.