The Korte Company will be starting on the first phase of a an estimated $7-8-million, four-phase project for The State of Oklahoma, Office of Management and Enterprise Services, Division of Capital Assets Management, Construction and Properties Department on behalf of the state's Military Department to provide interior and exterior updates and upgrades for an existing Regional Training Institute Billets, which was initially constructed in the mid-1990s.
Filed under: NewsThe current facility is a 34,244-square-foot, 3-story dormitory style building with 90 rooms. The first three phases of work will concentrate mainly on the interior improvements, while the fourth phase will address exterior upgrades.
Modifications include a new ADA-compliant elevator and improved front entrance, which will provide ADA access to all floors. Other improvements include upgrades to the mechanical and electrical systems, fire sprinkler lines and main water lines. A mass notification/digital warning system will be installed as part of the life safety improvements.
Anti-Terrorism Force Protection upgrades include a modified entrance and blast-resistant windows throughout the facility.