STRABAG Tapped to Build New Czech Bank Česká Spořitelna Headquarters in Prague

STRABAG SE’s Czech subsidiary STRABAG a.s. will construct the new headquarters of Česká spořitelna in Prague’s Smíchov district (Czech Republic) in a consortium of which it’s a leading member. The complex, consisting of four buildings with a usable area of 75,000 square meters, will intersect the main boulevard with a public passageway where shops, cafés and a multifunctional auditorium with a capacity of 380 visitors will be located.

The auditorium will be complemented on the exterior by an outdoor grandstand for 150 spectators. The complex will not only serve as the new headquarters of the bank, but is also intended to become a natural cultural center for the area and will contribute to the development of the community. The project of the new headquarters of Česká spořitelna is another contribution to the overall transformation and modernization of the location adjacent to the Prague-Smíchov railway station.

Work on the contract will take 36 months and should be completed in 2027. The building will meet all the requirements for the highest certification in BREEAM Outstanding and WELL Platinum. As such, the project meets the EU Taxonomy requirements. The operation of the building complex will be energy-neutral thanks to heat pumps and photovoltaics. The interiors will be heated and cooled by an active concrete core connected to nearly 40 kilometers of geothermal boreholes. The green roofs will feature beehives and a forest nursery producing hundreds of tree seedlings. The site will also be self-sufficient in terms of water supply, with its own wells, rainwater tanks and water treatment plants.

STRABAG will use digital Building Information Modeling in the construction process, both in the design of the building’s structure and technical security, as well as in the preparation of the detailed design documentation and the documentation of the actual construction. BIM will be used on a large scale not only during construction, but its importance will be fully realized in the subsequent management and maintenance of buildings.

Concrete with a reduced carbon footprint will also be used in the construction, which represents a savings of at least 25% in CO2 emissions compared to standard concrete. In addition, the project includes construction of all project-related infrastructure and outdoor paved areas, greenery and landscaping.

Images © Česká spořitelna

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