Brasfield & Gorrie Finishes Atlanta Research Building

ATLANTA, Ga. — Emory University, in Atlanta, Ga., has opened the doors to a leading-edge research center that will serve as a home to research endeavors that could significantly improve the quality of children’s healthcare. The facility represents the first phase of a new biomedical research community on the Emory University campus that creates a collaborative culture and attracts the top talented employees and students to study pediatric healthcare needs within the area. The new research building is adjacent to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and the home of Emory University’s Department of Pediatrics. The 200,000-square-foot, $68-million building houses two distinct … Read more

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Have Ringing, Whistling or Buzzing in Your Ears?

An overview and options By Kendra Klemme Construction workers are known to be at a higher risk for hearing loss due to loud noise exposure. But did you know high levels of noise exposure can cause another permanent hearing condition, called tinnitus? Have you experienced the sounds of whistling, hissing, buzzing, crickets, chirping, ringing or roaring, even when no external sound is present? Tinnitus (TIN-a-tus or tin-EYE-tus) is different for each individual and can range from slightly bothersome to debilitating, making each person’s experience unique and making tinnitus difficult to diagnose. As many as 95 percent of construction workers are … Read more

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BEAL | DERKENNE Construction Completes Hub on Campus in Tempe, Ariz.

BEAL | DERKENNE Construction has recently completed Hub on Campus in Tempe, Ariz. The 19-story upscale apartment building will be home to more than 600 residents on 17 residential floors. The building also features two floors with 25,000 square feet of retail space and 6,550 square feet of restaurants, close to the Arizona State University main campus. BDC started construction work 16 months ago. With more than 450 trade workers employed, Hub on Campus was one of the larger construction projects in Arizona, and a major employer in the greater Phoenix area. A variety of construction challenges were presented and … Read more

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Stevens Construction Wins Grand Aurora Award, Best in 12 States

FORT MYERS, Fla. — For the seventh consecutive year, Stevens Construction has won an Aurora Award at the Southeast Builder’s Conference. The Aurora Awards honor the best in construction in a 12-state region. For the fifth consecutive year, the company was also presented with a Grand Aurora Award, which recognizes the best project within an entire category. In a ceremony held on July 13 in Orlando, Fla., Stevens Construction earned an Aurora Award and the Grand Aurora Award in the commercial healthcare category for construction of The Center for Specialized Surgery located in Fort Myers, Fla. The 9,102-square-foot surgery center … Read more

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TCA Elects Corwin as President

MT. VERNON, Iowa — The Tilt-Up Concrete Association has announced Kimberly Corwin, president & chief operating officer of A.H. Harris & Sons, as president on the TCA Board of Directors. Corwin has more than 25 years of experience in the construction industry and has been a member of the TCA for 16 years. She is past chair of the TCA Promotions Committee, an active member of the TCA Meetings & Education Committee and past chair of the TCA Global Associates Council. Corwin is also a member of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. “Kim’s passion for tilt-up is inspiring,” said Mitch … Read more

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