Achieving Early Equipment Start-Up During Pharmaceutical Plant Construction

By Peter Gardner On a recent $130-million pharmaceutical manufacturing plant project, Torcon’s team implemented its innovative Set to Work program focused on addressing the initial requirements of the process equipment and associated systems. This approach is particularly appropriate for functional/utility-rich facilities, although there are clear lessons for office buildings, hotels, school facilities, hospitals and other projects. In a pharmaceutical manufacturing environment, the building itself is secondary to the processes within. Although research labs are among the critical components of the product development process, manufacturing facilities help pharmaceutical companies cross the finish line and get medicines and other products out in … Read more

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Parsons Team Leads Effort to Identify and Extract Dinosaur Prints from NASA Site

Parsons, which is performing ongoing construction management for various NASA site projects, played a key role in the discovery and preservation of 100+-million-year-old dinosaur tracks on the grounds of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. Following the discovery of the first print by dinosaur hunter Ray Stanford in August 2012, NASA officials assigned a Parsons team led by paleontologist Lee Monnens to provide follow-up investigation and removal. Heather Shinn, then Parsons manager of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Facilities, Construction, Engineering and Technical Services (FaCETS) program, coordinated the initial consultation. Monnens surveyed … Read more

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Walbridge Team Uses BIM, Prefab and Modular Construction as Main Tools in University Project

Walbridge is serving as construction manager for the Charles T. Munger Residences in the Lawyers Club and John P. Cook Building renovation project, which house around 260 law school students. Located in Ann Arbor, Mich., renovation work includes installing new plumbing, heating, ventilation, fire detection and suppression systems, high-speed wireless Internet networks and accessibility improvements. The $28-million project is designed to preserve the historic exterior of the buildings, while replacing existing townhouse style residence entries with interior connecting corridors to inc rease safety, accessibility and a sense of community. Walbridge used modularization to fabricate bathroom units to be installed in … Read more

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Clark Construction to Lead LA Federal Courthouse Construction

LOS ANGELES, Calif. —The U. S. General Services Administration awarded Clark Construction and design partner Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP, a $318-million design-build contract for the New United States Courthouse in Los Angeles, Calif. Design efforts are underway; construction is expected to begin in late summer. The scope of the contract includes design and construction of a 550,000-square-foot court building in downtown Los Angeles. The new facility — referred to as the “cube” because of its shape — will feature 24 courtrooms and 32 judicial chambers. A sky-lit central courtyard at the structure’s core will provide natural light and circulation … Read more

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Turner Construction Company Receives Climate Leadership Award

New York, N.Y. — The Environmental Protection Agency has honored Turner Construction Company with a 2013 Climate Leadership Award for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by more than five percent over a five-year period. Turner achieved its goal primarily by reducing electricity use at permanent offices. The company installed interactive dashboards in several offices that display energy use in real time and allow employees to see current use and patterns of use over time, as well as compare energy use to that of other Turner offices. Additionally, offices and jobsites measured sustainable performance with a “Turner Green Zone” checklist, which helped … Read more

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