Study Reviews Key Findings of Fatal Injuries at Road Construction Sites

Working at road construction sites can be dangerous. Between 2011 and 2016, 532 construction workers lost their lives at road construction sites, an average of 89 workers each year. CPWR’s Data Center recently explored road construction fatality trends and causes using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Among the key findings: About half of these deaths happened when a worker on foot was struck by a vehicle or mobile heavy equipment (such as a dump truck on the worksite, or a passing car intruding on the worksite) Construction laborers suffered the greatest number of construction fatalities, and both the … Read more

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Hazard Alert: Opioid Deaths in Construction

More than 42,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses in 2016. An analysis of fatal opioid overdoses in Ohio showed that construction workers were seven times more likely than other workers to die this way. This is shocking and sad, and there are steps that those in the occupational safety and health community can take. While the CPWR agrees workplace injuries should be prevented with programs like its new Best Built Plans, construction workers continue to get hurt on the job and these injuries cause pain. Doctors routinely prescribe opioids for pain. The CDC reports that as many as one out … Read more

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New ‘Best Built Plans’ Program Can Help Reduce Strains, Sprains on Jobsite

Manually lifting and moving heavy materials on jobsites can result in strain, sprain and related soft tissue injuries. These types of injuries are a leading cause of disabling injuries in the construction industry. Working with a community of practice that included researchers, insurers and industry stakeholders, CPWR’s Research to Practice and Training staff surveyed and interviewed contractors to understand the motivators and barriers to engaging in materials handling practices that would minimize the risks for these types of injuries. Based on their responses, CPWR developed a program, Best Built Plans, to provide contractors and workers with practical tools and information … Read more

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Steel Erectors Association of America Partners with Safe+Sound Campaign

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – The Steel Erectors Association of America is partnering with OSHA’s national Safe+Sound Campaign. The Safe+Sound Campaign encourages every workplace in the U.S. to have a safety and health program, a proactive approach to identifying and managing workplace hazards before they cause injury or illness. SEAA collaborated with OSHA in the development of a fact sheet for structural steel and precast concrete contractors. The fact sheet provides reminders of the potential hazards facing this industry, including falls, struck by incidents and lifting/lowering over exertion. The document also provides resources to help contractors address these hazards. Successful safety and … Read more

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Understanding Hi-Viz Apparel Requirements

By Greg Plunkett Most construction superintendents know that high-visibility gear is critical to worker safety, especially for those working around moving vehicles and equipment on jobsites. But there are so many different options – with different color-ways, different reflective tape patterns and different sleeve lengths – how do you choose the right hi-viz apparel for the job? The first thing to understand is there’s a federal mandate that requires select workers to wear high-visibility apparel. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 2009 (MUTCD 2009), which is translated and enforced by each state and has been interpreted by the Occupation … Read more

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