DOL Finalizes Rule on Proper Fit Requirements for PPE in Construction

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has finalized a revision to the personal protective equipment standard for construction. The final rule explicitly requires the equipment to properly fit any construction worker who needs it, improving protections from hazardous conditions. “I’ve talked to workers in construction, particularly women, who have spoken of personal protective equipment that didn’t fit or was simply unavailable at the jobsite in their size,” said Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Doug Parker. “PPE must fit properly to work. I’m proud of the broad support from both employers and unions for OSHA’s … Read more

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US Department of Labor seeks Nominees for Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health

The U.S. Department of Labor is seeking nominations for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Advisory Committee for Construction Safety and Health. The secretary will select 14 members representing the interests of employers, employees, state safety and health agencies and the public to create a broad-based, balanced and diverse committee. The remaining representative is designated by the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Members generally serve a two-year term and can be appointed to successive terms. The advisory committee meets two to four times per year. Submit nominations and supporting materials, identified by Docket No. OSHA-2024-0002, at … Read more

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US Department of Labor launches Severe Injury Report Dashboard

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration unveiled an online tool giving users the ability to search its severe injury report database and view trends related to workplace injuries occurring in states covered by federal OSHA. The Severe Injury Report dashboard allows users to search and download data by year, industry, state, establishment name, and Occupational Injury and Illness Classification System codes. The dashboard includes information on all severe injuries reported by employers covered under federal OSHA since 2015. OSHA encourages workers and employers to use the dashboard to learn how severe injuries happen in their industries … Read more

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OSHA Photo Contest Returns to Promote Awareness of Heat Dangers

Soaring temperatures are already causing concerns at workplaces — outdoors and indoors — throughout the nation. To allow employers, workers and other stakeholders to help one another understand and address the dangers of heat hazards, the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration is again sponsoring the agency’s “Beat the Heat” photo contest. In 2023, OSHA launched a national competition challenging employers, workers and others to share their best tools and resources for educating workers about the dangers of heat exposure in indoor and outdoor workplaces. Open to all industries, the 2024 Beat the Heat competition challenges participants to … Read more

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Beat the Heat

Safety reminders to ‘keep your cool’ this summer By Richard Ryan “Hottest summer on record” is a phrase many of us are likely tired of hearing, and none so much as construction project leaders. When you coordinate and lead hundreds of people working outdoors every day, “hottest summer” goes beyond an uncomfortable inconvenience and can quickly verge on danger for all involved. As with many aspects of construction safety, keeping your team safe during hot conditions rests on three equally critical pillars: knowledge, preparation and collective care. When we know the warning signs, prepare to respond competently and commit to … Read more

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