Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association Requests Comments to Upcoming Standard Revision

The Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association requests a “Call for Members” for its BSR/PGMA G300-201x, Safety and Performance of Portable Generators (revision of ANSI/PGMA G300-2018) Standard, which is under revision. The proposed revisions include adding additional requirements related to carbon monoxide safety concerns. Members will have an opportunity to vote, as well as provide comments to the proposed revisions to the ANSI/PGMA G300 standard. PGMA is specifically seeking members in the user category, which is defined as: “Those who are predominantly interested in the use of the product, materials, or services. This category usually includes consumers, customers of product producers, distributors, … Read more

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68% of Skilled Trade Workers Feel a Desire to Work with Innovative, Non-traditional Tools, NFPA Survey Finds

The National Fire Protection Association released its 2023 Industry Trends Survey, which reveals insights around employee sentiment on training and labor shortages, use of technology on the jobsite and how technology supports their top priorities. Nearly half of respondents (45%) said a shortage of qualified workers would be their biggest challenge at work in 2023. Additionally, 42% said they anticipate their budgets will focus on increased hiring to replace or add jobs in 2023. Closely following concerns around a hiring shortage, 42% of respondents cited lack of knowledge sharing and collaboration as their top challenge, while 32% said codes and … Read more

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Bobcat Skid-Steer Loader Inventors Cyril and Louis Keller Named 2023 NIHF Inductees

Cyril Keller and Louis Keller will be posthumously honored as part of the 50th class of National Inventors Hall of Fame inductees. Brothers Cyril and Louis Keller played a key role in launching the compact equipment industry in the late 1950s and early 1960s with their invention of the world’s first compact loader, which became the Bobcat skid-steer loader. In partnership with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, NIHF will honor inductees on Oct. 26, 2023 at “The Greatest Celebration of American Innovation.” The event also will celebrate the 50th anniversary of NIHF’s founding in 1973, when Thomas Edison … Read more

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Common Ground Alliance’s Damage Prevention Institute Acquires Gold Shovel Association, Welcomes New Participants

Common Ground Alliance has completed its acquisition of the Gold Shovel Association. CGA welcomes former GSA members to the association and as participants in its new arm, the Damage Prevention Institute. The Damage Prevention Institute will address systemic inefficiencies in the damage prevention industry by developing performance metrics for all stakeholders that reflect adherence to CGA’s best practices and a commitment to reducing damages to buried infrastructure. Building upon CGA’s foundational Damage Information Reporting Tool data and GSA’s metrics development, the DPI will focus on evaluating the performance of each stakeholder group engaged in the damage prevention process through a … Read more

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Latest Podcast Series Episode Discusses New Challenges, Opportunities of Healthcare Capital Planning Projects

Healthcare capital planning projects have been met with a variety of new obstacles in recent years that are linked to digital, social and environmental concerns. These challenges have placed more of a strain on organizations’ budgets and have impacted budget allocation decision-making processes, ultimately impacting how projects are planned and delivered. DPR Construction’s third episode of its Constructing with Care podcast is available and addresses challenges and solutions with healthcare capital planning projects. In this latest podcast episode, “Capital Balance of Healthcare,” Kirsten Waltz, senior director of facilities architecture and planning for Johns Hopkins Health System and Kevin Matuszewski, healthcare … Read more

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