The world’s tallest statue, the Statue of Unity, was recently inaugurated in the Indian state of Gujarat with a ceremony officiated by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. At 182 meters (597 feet), the Statue of Unity is two times the height of the Statue of Liberty in New York City and surpasses the height of the world’s previous tallest statue—China’s Spring Temple Buddha—by 29 meters (95 feet). The Statue of Unity depicts India’s first Deputy Prime Minister, the freedom fighter Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Sardar Patel is known for his leadership during India’s struggle for independence, as well as … Read more
Construction Projects Planned, Ongoing by World’s Megacities Valued at $4.2 Trillion
A total of 6,645 planned and ongoing construction projects by the world’s megacities, valued at $4.2 trillion and fueled by the increase in population, are sparking interest in residential and infrastructural developments, according to GlobalData, a data and analytics company. The United Nations predicts that, between 2016 and 2030, the percentage of the world’s population living in cities with at least a million inhabitants is likely to grow from 23 percent to 27 percent, and the number of megacities is projected to increase from 31 to 41. Following a recent assessment of project pipelines in major cities worldwide by GlobalData, … Read more
An Intimate Look at Denmark’s New Noma Restaurant Village
The award-winning restaurant noma worked with BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group to create its new home as a restaurant village just outside of Copenhagen’s city center. Situated between two lakes and within the community of Christiania in Denmark, the new noma is built on the site of a protected ex-military warehouse once used to store mines for the Royal Danish Navy. Imagined as an intimate culinary garden village, guests are welcomed to experience a new menu and philosophy that will redefine noma for years to come. Central to the design was the idea of dissolving the restaurant’s individual functions and organizing them … Read more
Turner Selected for Expansion of Turkish Glass Factory
Turner has been selected as project manager for an expansion of the Sisecam TR8 Glass Factory in Ankara, Turkey. Sisecam Flat Glass is a leading European glass producer, with manufacturing facilities in multiple countries. They produce glass for architectural, automotive, solar and home appliance applications. The TR8 Glass Factory is an industrial flat glass factory that serves as an expansion to an existing plant in order to produce colored flat glass. With a total building area of 60,000 square meters (645,000 square feet), the new facilities will include a furnace building, bath building, cooling and cutting house, a warehouse and … Read more
Sanfield-Gammon Construction Joint Venture Wins Sai Sha Road Widening Project
Gammon Construction Limited, in joint venture with Sanfield (Management) Limited, has been awarded an approximately HK$2.3-billion project to widen Sai Sha Road in Shap Sze Heung, Sai Kung in Hong Kong. The civil project involves widening of a section of the road from two lanes to dual two lanes, development of a cycling track, installation of noise barriers, implementation of greening works to compensate for the affected trees, construction of three footbridges and extensive water and sewage utility provisions, including two pumping stations and installation of sewage pipes by tunnel boring machine along existing roads 2.1 kilometers north of the … Read more